Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Less than a week after Norma Panzini and her employee Abbey Ewing conceived the Hearts for Sydney campaign, the light coming in the windows of Affairs Bakery and Café is already taking on a rosy hue, passing through a growing number of small, pink, paper hearts and fending off the grey outside.

For two years now Sydney Lowe, the eight-year-old granddaughter of Creemore residents Lorna May and Doug Lowe, has suffered from a yet-to-be-diagnosed gastrointestinal illness. For a ten-month period she was confined to a bed at Sick Kids’ Hospital, struggling to keep up with her schooling in between treatments. Her mother Megan had to move from Creemore to Toronto to be close to Sick Kids, and Sydney’s now at home and attending Grade 3 at a school in the city, which remains a challenge due to the need for frequent trips back to the hospital for treatment.

The problem is that the doctors there have no idea what is wrong with Sydney, and have only been able to treat her symptoms as they arise. As a result, they have now decided that she be sent to the Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee for further diagnosis and treatment.

“They see a lot more kids with gastrointestinal problems there,” said Doug. “They’ll be better able to help her.”

The Hearts for Sydney campaign hopes to raise funds to help Megan offset the costs of transportation, accommodation and food so that she can afford to be with Sydney and not have to sacrifice their home in Toronto.

Those wishing to help are encouraged to purchase a heart at any participating Creemore business, where they will be hung in the windows, showcasing that Creemore really is, as the Gaelic translation suggests, a “Village with a Big Heart.”

“It would be wonderful to have everyone participate,” said Panzini, noting that a friendly competition between local businesses to see who can sell the most hearts might help. “The more people we have participating, the more funds we can raise.”

“It’s been a rough time,” said Doug, “but this is the best news we’ve had in the past few years.”

Look for decorated Hearts for Sydney donation jars at participating Mill Street businesses. Any donation is welcome.

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