Friday, February 7th, 2025

The 2012 Budget will be put before Council for final approval this Monday, April 30 at our regular Council Meeting. Based on the final property tax calculations, the 2012 net increase proposed is 3.91 per cent (Clearview, County and School Board combined) representing a 5.66 per cent increase in Clearview’s tax-funded spending.

This latest reduction in the 2012 property tax increase is pimarily as a result of the Township Management Team recommending deferral of a $25,000 Organization Study until next year, giving time for both Staff and Council to better prepare for this review.

While it has been a long and some would say arduous process, progress has been made in producing a budget more in line with our residents’ needs and ability to pay, as well as the economic climate regionally.

As in every budget, there is more work that needs to be done and improvements to be made in both process and outcomes. On balance, however, this year’s series of eight budget workshops and a Township townhall, and the public participation they have generated, has raised the awareness on several  longstanding concerns. Residents have made it clear at public meetings, in the media and to Council members one-on-one that they have real concerns about the ability to maintain a household in Clearview Township given the trend of rising municipal costs.

Residents have been vocal in unprecedented numbers about their concerns. Property taxes have to be affordable, while at the same time continuing to support an expected level of municipal services. At the same time, not all services are viewed as equally necessary by all our residents. Some want new and improved services, expecting value for taxes paid.

Many have said they have reached their limit, not wanting to pay more taxes for more new services, especially those they do not use. Residents want to know how the size and cost of the Township’s employee base will be contained and how large capital projects can be better planned to mitigate the impact of growth on their municipal fees and taxes.

The work on many of these issues needs to continue and a proposal will be coming to Council in May to form a working group to build on the discussions started during this year’s budget process.

Above all, Budget 2012 stands out as the year in which a growing number of Clearview residents decided to get involved in the process and demand to be listened to.

To the credit of our Township staff, the level of departmental discussion available to both Council and the public continues to improve each year. In particular the Finance Department, through the leadership of Treasurer Edward Henley, and the personal efforts of his staff to prepare and present the series of informative budget packages, made working through the budget details productive.

Residents played an imprtant role in both persistently pointing out where the consultation process can be improved and by offering their opinions, in near real time, on the decisions being made by Council and staff throughout the 2012 Budget process.

So, consider attending the Council meeting on Monday evening to hear the discussion to approve the proposed 2012 Budget, remembering that it is a regular meeting format and the opportunity for public comment is limited to the Public Participation Period. The public portion of the meeting begins immediately after a 5:30 pm In Camera session that is expected to last about 30 minutes.

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