Clearview Township will officially launch its new Economic Development Committee on the evening of Wednesday, May 2, with a meet-and-greet event featuring guest speaker Rebecca LeHeup, executive director of the Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance.
Passionate about the interrelation between food, agriculture, tourism, arts and culture, LeHeup was instrumental in turning Prince Edward County into a destination for culinary tourists, developing award-winning products such as the area’s Taste Trail, its annual TASTE! celebration of regional cuisine, and its buy-local program, Harvestin’ the County.
“She has some really amazing numbers in terms of economic spinoff,” said Clearview Councillor Brent Preston, who sits on the EDC and has worked with LeHeup in connection with his organic farming business. “And they happened in a community similar to ours.”
LeHeup’s appearance is reflective of the mandate provided to the new EDC by Council, which identifies four priority areas for development efforts: agriculture, commercial development, tourism and recreation. Prospective committee members were also given three guiding principals during their interviews: that the physical attributes of ClearviewTownship and its strong communities are its greatest assets and should form the foundation of any efforts to brand and market the Township as a place to live and do business; that the committee should be prepared to “work with what it has” instead of wait for the establishment of new infrastructure to lure businesses; and that the EDC and Township should be willing to take bold steps that show Clearview is a progressive, creative, forward-thinking place to do business.
The committee has so far met twice and has yet to decide on a chairperson. Its membership includes Preston and Councillor Shawn Davidson as representatives from Council, Bill Wall, Paul Van Staveren, Vicki Bell, Mike Schreiner, Heidi Sterrenburg, Larry Culham from the Stayner Chamber of Commerce and Corey Finkelstein from the Creemore BIA.
The event will take place at the Stayner Community Centre. From 6 to 7 pm, a reception will take place with local fare from the 100 Mile Store and a cash bar. At 7 pm, Leheup will make her presentation. All are welcome, especially those, as Preston says, “ who are ready to work on economic opportunities in Clearview Township.” For more information, email