Creemore sculptor David Bruce Johnson tends to work with wood in the winter months and stone in the summer, when he can be outside and the dust that’s created can settle somewhere other than on his furniture. The result of this division of time is an incredibly varied portfolio, with intricate wooden creations sharing shelf space with the most fantastical stone abstracts.
When Johnson heard that the Creemore Medical Centre was embarking on a fundraising drive, he invited Medical Centre Board chair Bill Mann and his wife Barbara to pick out one of his sculptures to be used to help raise money for the cause. They chose a stone work – carved from Chinese soapstone to be exact. “Seastone,” the piece that Johnson will now sell and donate all of what he makes on to the Medical Centre, takes advantage of the wonderful opacity of that particular stone.
Johnson has set a base price at $2,000. Anyone wishing to make an offer can email him at Johnson will be happy to let interested bidders know the amount of the current highest offer. The deadline for offers is December 15, 2012.