Clearview Township finalized the purchase of property in downtown Stayner on Monday, August 12. Located at 220 Huron Street, the 1.5 acre parcel is adjacent to Station Park and is the former site of the Stayner Railway Station and United Farmers Co-op.
According to a Township press release, the $150,000 purchase of the site will allow the municipality to provide additional services and facilities in the downtown core of the largest settlement area in Clearview. The municipality will be able to increase parking capacity in the downtown, as well as expand park space and the scale of events hosted in the Station Park gazebo.
“Staff is currently working on a redevelopment plan for the entire site,” said Steve Sage, the Township’s general manager of transportation and recreation. “The redevelopment plan will include interior remodeling and expansion of the asphalt parking lot which will be presented to Council for consideration in the 2014 budget.”
Additional opportunities for the site include a space for the four-year Trillium PARC Project, a tourism kiosk, a storage solution for community events and organizations, and a local farmers market.
The existing fertilizer operation on the property will be leased back to FS Partners for a period of seven years, retaining local employment in the Stayner area.