Every year, thousands of dollars in university scholarship money go wasted because students don’t know the money exists. Ray’s Place, Creemore’s youth centre, wants to change that.
Ray’s Place is a youth resource centre that helps kids ages 13 to 17 stay in school.
Beginning this Sunday, grade 12 students and their parents can attend workshops to learn about scholarships, bursaries and grants, budgeting, creating applications, cover letters, essays and resumes. The sessions will also help students develop skills for post-secondary program interviews.
The workshops are open to all students in Clearview Township who are considering post-secondary education.
Also, for the third year in a row, Ray’s Place will offer a $20,000 scholarship to one student from Clearview to contribute toward their post-secondary education.
Last year, the youth centre received 15 applications for the scholarship, which is funded through private donations.
“That’s a one-in-fifteen shot of winning,” says Corey Finkelstein, Manager of Ray’s Place. “It’s really good – so you may as well apply!”
Finkelstein also says the Rent-A-Youth program is still in high-gear and is available for fall clean-up projects such as raking leaves, garden work and helping winter tenants move in.
Rent-A-Youth is a work program in which students are linked with short-term, part-time, hourly jobs in Creemore and the surrounding area.
“Unlike other employers, Ray’s Place provides support for your family life and work,” said Finkelstein. “We have flexible hours and we look after the kids to make sure they are safe when they go out on a job. The program takes kids off the streets and puts money in their pocket. It also teaches them what it’s like to be working with minimal education.”
For the first time since it opened in 2007, Rent-A-Youth will continue during the winter months and year round “This is our most successful Rent-A-Youth year to date,” Finkelstein said.
The centre also offers activities throughout the school year. Learn how to refurbish a 1951 Ford pick-up truck by joining the car restoration club; make a Christmas greeting card at one of the photography workshops starting in November; get in shape with the Running Club; or try theatre improvisation.
Ray’s Place also offers one-on-one tutoring in a variety of subjects at no cost for kids in grade 6 and up.
“Ray’s Place takes kids out of their normal social circle and exposes them to different ideas, opportunities and people with different backgrounds,” says Finkelstein. “There’s more out there than what’s at the dinner table.”