By Sandra Green
Ray’s Place Youth Resource Centre Photo Club kicked off the spring season with a Portrait Photography session at Bryan Davies’ Studio. Each of the six young photographers took turns posing and shooting individual portraits under high and low lighting. Their final results were very creative.
Ray’s Place enjoys a proud history of helping youth to discover, develop and achieve their full potential as adults, citizens and leaders. We do this by engaging them in activities and opportunities that challenge and enrich their minds, bodies and spirits, and build their confidence.
Being immersed in such great programs can lead to remarkable positive change. While participating in Ray’s Place programs, young people in Grades 6 to 12 are motivated to expand their experiences and stay in school until they receive a license, diploma or degree. Our experienced volunteers teach photography, auto restoration and communication skills, and provide a comprehensive tutoring program, all at no charge.
The Photography Program is led by Bryan Davies and Amber Harloff-Sheffer. Photo Club runs every other Thursday for kids in Grade 6 to 12. The next meeting is on Thursday, May 8 at Ray’s Place.
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