The Big Book Bash is coming up on Saturday, Sept. 27.
Donations of clean, gently read books are being accepted daily at the Creemore Curling Club from 10 a.m. to noon and at The Creemore Echo office during regular business hours.
Organizers are looking for all types of books, with trade paperbacks being the bestsellers.
On the day of the sale, thousands of books will be laid out at Station on the Green. The sale is open from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The biennial book sale is the main fundraising event for the community centre.
Volunteer Marg Purkis said the past two sales have raised more than $12,000 for ongoing operational costs.
The curling club is located at 218 Collingwood St. The Creemore Echo office is located at 3 Caroline St. W.