Clearview council has unanimously agreed to hire a lawyer to represent the municipality during an Ontario Energy Board public hearing.
The hearing was requested by wpd regarding its Fairview Wind Incorporated project.
Wpd requested hearing comments to be submitted in writing.
Township staff made a submission seeking intervenor status and an oral hearing.
“It is staff’s opinion that this request for a hearing is a further demonstration of the proponent’s disregard for the position and concerns of the municipality. The proponent has provided incomplete and inaccurate information to the municipality and has not been required by the MOE to correct such information. The proponent is seeking a formal determination regarding the utilization of Township infrastructure prior to it receiving approvals under the environmental review process. It is staff’s opinion that this hearing request is premature at best,” reported Director of Community Planning and Development Michael Wynia Sept. 8.
“The municipality requires appropriate legal representation with respect to this hearing. The municipality, if it maintains its current positions regarding the project is also likely to require continued expert legal advice with respect to this matter. Appropriate legal representation regarding this matter requires that the solicitor be familiar with the requirements and process of the Green Energy Act and wind generation project approvals.”
The cost of hiring the lawyer is not yet known.
The hearing is regarding the location of distribution lines.