Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Alicia Savage
Alicia Savage was born and raised in Collingwood, where her parents and sister still reside today. She grew up helping and later working in her family’s business before attending university.
A graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University, Savage majored in political science and minored in French. After a short stint as a licensed realtor, she was hired at Queen’s Park as a special assistant to the Premier liaising with the offices of all cabinet ministers coordinating appointments to the province’s agencies, boards and commissions. Following the election loss of 1990, Savage was employed by The Caldwell Partners International, an executive recruiting firm in Toronto.
Returning to Simcoe County in 1993, Savage and her husband Rick settled in Stayner and developed strong ties in the community. She took over management of her family’s newspaper publishing company and guided its expansion until its sale in 2003.
Alicia was an executive member of The Stayner Chamber of Commerce, participated in The Journey of Love, was part of the organizing committee for The Great Stayner Pumpkin Festival to name a few volunteer roles, all while being an active member of her church serving in leadership positions.
After eight years as Clearview’s deputy mayor and Simcoe County councillor, Alicia is seeking to provide stability, experience and dedication to the mayor’s position.

Christopher Vanderkruys
Christopher Vanderkruys has lived within Clearview Township for 50 years.
He and his family live in Brentwood in the original home his parents built on land once owned by his great grandfather JJ Dumond, a bridge builder for the County of Simcoe.
Vanderkruys has been married to his wife Carol for 26 years. They have one daughter Kristin, a recent graduate of business administration and police foundations programs.
For many years, Vanderkruys and his wife owned and operated three Country Style Donut franchises. After leaving the franchise world, Vanderkruys pursued a degree in professional fundraising and received his CFRE designation in 2009.
He is currently employed with the Barrie Public Library, where he has worked for the past six years, as the director of business and development for library.
Vanderkruys has been president of the Brentwood Community Centre for the past 15 years and a member for 25 years. He is a past member of the New Lowell parks and recreation committee, past chair and treasurer of the Sunnidale Winterama, board member of the Brentwood Cemetery, past member of the Knights of Columbus and member of the Collingwood Street Bridge preservation committee.
Vanderkruys is the recipient of the 25-year Clearview Township volunteer award.

Deputy Mayor

Barry Burton
Barry Burton has lived in various areas of Simcoe County for many years and has resided in Creemore with his wife Lorraine for the last seven years. They have grown children and grandchildren who live in Simcoe County.
Burton has volunteered with many community organizations and events and served 25 years with Scouts Canada.He is a specialized lighting technician and full-time owner of a business based in Clearview. Trained through the industry and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), his career experience includes working with architects, engineers and designers on various projects locally and internationally.
As an expert in fibre optic and LED lighting, he has been the guest speaker and presenter at the IESNA Maritimes Regional Conference and Winnipeg Conference, University of Toronto faculty of architecture and various design colleges.
He is a true advocate of the people. A founding member of the Ontario Boating Federation who advocated for rights on Canadian inland waterways, he met with provincial and federal government agencies.
Burton often attends Clearview Council meetings, learning and listening to the various issues that affect the residents of Clearview Township. He has made presentations to and met with both Clearview council and Simcoe County council, staff and engineers in an effort to create a fiscally responsible solutions.

Larry Culham
Larry Culham, 53, is a real estate agent with the office of Paul Fisher Real Estate in Stayner and past-president of the Stayner Chamber of Commerce.
Before launching a real estate career in 2009, Culham covered municipal issues for 25 years as a community newspaper journalist and editor in a dozen central Ontario communities including Clearview, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Barrie and Orillia.
Larry and his wife, Tamara, have raised four children at homes in rural Sunnidale, Creemore and Stayner.
Culham represents the Chamber of Commerce membership on the township Economic Development Committee and was a member of the steering committee for the PARC project. A former foster parent with Simcoe County Children’s Aid Society, he continues to volunteer with the Chamber of Commerce, the Clearview Food Bank and in children’s ministries at his church.
Earlier this year Larry was named the winner of the Stayner Chamber of Commerce Community Builder of the Year award.
Public service runs in the family. Larry’s great-grandfather George A. Culham and grandfather David “Dee” Culham were both Sunnidale Township councillors.
A first cousin thrice removed, Albert E. Culham was a Stayner businessman, municipal clerk and, for 46 years, Stayner Fire Chief.

Ward 5

Robert McArthur
Robert McArthur is a life-long resident of Cashtown Corners
He runs a mixed farming operation that was started by his grandfather
McArthur, 51, is an 18-year employee at Reinhart Foods in Stayner.
He served as a volunteer firefighter with Clearview Township Fire Department for 15 years, following in his father’s footsteps.
He wants to see economic development go ahead at a faster pace and is concerned about township spending increasing faster than the tax base.

Believing Clearview is a great place to live, he wants to do his part to help it grow into the future.

Thom Paterson
Thom Paterson moved to Creemore with his wife Jacquie in 2004, after retiring from a career in telecommunications in 2001.
The couple has two children, Steven and Katherine, daughter-in-law Melissa and two grandchildren, Brayden and Jack.
Paterson, 66, has been Ward 4 councillor since 2006. He sits on the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital Board as the township’s municipal representative. He has also chaired the finance and human resources committee and has been vice chair of the hospital’s board of directors.
As councillor, Paterson is the township’s liaison on the Creemore BIA, the local business association and a member of the Creemore Medical Centre Board. He also serves on the Creemore Log Cabin service board, the Creemore Station on the Green hall board and is the current president of the Tree Society of Creemore.
Paterson is a past member and president of the Creemore Area Residents’ Association.
He also enjoys volunteering for various public events and recreational activities in the village, such as organizing an annual bike safety awareness event, the Creemore Kids Cent Ride and maintaining a public outdoor skating rink at the Station on the Green.

Ward 2

Donna Baylis
A healthy and happy 50-year-old mother-of-one, Donna Baylis is young enough to have some energy and old enough to think she has some wisdom. 
Baylis has lived in the area for most of her life, attending Banting Memorial High School in Alliston. 
She spent some time in Toronto and with her partner Steve before moving to Dunedin in 1992, when her daughter Dariel was born.
Baylis has worked for much of her career in the financial services industry. Today, she works as a computer consultant. 
Baylis was active in the fight to Stop the Mega Quarry, volunteers on the Dunedin Hall board and is secretary of the Dufferin Grey ATV Club. 
She maintains several social media sites including and Friends of NDACT. 
She strives to “live within our means”, “save some for tomorrow” and think about the “legacy we leave for our children”.   
She doesn’t consider herself a radical environmentalist but does know how important the environment is to people’s quality of life as it is why people live in Clearview Township.

Kevin Elwood
Kevin Elwood and his wife Gail, have lived and worked at their farm on County Road 91, just west of Stayner, since 1996. They have two sons, Mason and Luke, who attended Duntroon Public School and Stayner Collegiate Institute before heading off to university.
The family operates Clearview Nursery, supplying nursery stock and planting services to the Georgian Triangle. Elwood is a graduate of Sir Sanford Fleming’s Forestry program.
He is also a commercial pilot working out of the Collingwood Regional Airport. Seeing both of his passions become a reality in Clearview, he believes this is a truly unique and valuable area and wishes to join the municipal team and work hard to preserve its successes and present opportunities in the future.
As a family the Elwoods enjoy all the benefits that Clearview has to offer from hiking, biking, gardening, hunting, skiing and snowmobiling, as well as the beautiful landscapes, Niagara Escarpment, Nottawasaga Bay and natural heritage that surrounds us through all the seasons of the year.
Born and raised in Terra Cotta, third generation, Elwood understands rural living and sees Ward 2 as a shining example of a combination of managed growth, fiscal responsibility and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage.
Elwood recognises the responsibilities of Clearview Township and respects the process of council.
He is up to date on the issues and work facing council, including economic growth, industrial growth and pressures on rural landscapes.

Ward 1

Allan Bell
Allan Bell is a lifelong resident of Nottawa.
Bell has the experience, drive, determination and passion to represent you at council.  
The 62-year-old works at Mike Jackson GM in Collingwood.
Bell served as councillor from 2003 – 2006.
He was chairman of the Committee of Adjustment from 2006 – 2010, past member of the Economic Development Committee, past Chairman of the Local Area Improvement Committee and past Chairman of the General Committee of Clearview Council
He enjoys golf, skiing, bicycling and travelling.

Doug Measures
Doug Measures has been a resident of Nottawa since 1977. He has been married for 28 years to Tracey Woolner. The couple has two sons, Sam and Joe.
Measures, 51, has been employed as a television producer at Rogers TV, Collingwood for over 30 years.
He has a wealth of experience working with community groups, facilitating access to local television in Simcoe County. He has mentored and motivated volunteers in all aspects of community television production. Measures has also served on many community committees in both Collingwood and Clearview. He was a director of the Collingwood Chamber of Commerce and served on the Collingwood Sports Hall of Fame board for several years. He volunteered in event operations and communications for the Special Olympic World Winter Games and the Paralympic Games.
Measures has been a member of the Clearview Community Policing Committee and helped a Nottawa parent group build a case for a new public school in the village. His professional experience with federal and provincial politicians has kept him connected and respected by his peers at all levels of government.
Measures has represented the township of Clearview on the Collingwood Regional Airport board of directors for eight years. 
He graduated with honours in radio and television arts from Seneca College and is a graduate of Collingwood Collegiate Institute.
Measures is 51. This is his third election campaign. 

Ward 7

Deborah Bronée
Deborah Bronée has lived in New Lowell most of her life and has been a resident of Clearview since 1995.
She graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a degree in administrative and commercial studies and has since completed the Municipal Administration Program along with a number of business courses at Georgian College.
She lives with her husband Trevor just north of New Lowell.
They have two sons, Eric and Andrew who are finding their way in the world and still refer to Clearview as home. She hopes they will find opportunities for them to live and work in Clearview. Her husband runs JT’s Snowmobile Repair.
Bronée has worked in municipal government for over 25 years.
She works in public works and has spent most of her career in social services. It is my experiences here that have fueled my interest in promoting good for the entire community.
Most of her evenings are spent with others in the community helping to make this a community she wants to call home.
As a councillor, she has supported dedicated volunteers initiating a farmers’ market in New Lowell, planning the annual winter festival Sunnidale Winterama, running almost 40 years, aiding the hall board in preserving the Brentwood Community Centre, and mentoring the Cybergnomes, Simcoe County’s only competitive high school robotics team.

The Creemore Echo did not receive submissions from other candidates.

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