Sunday, February 16th, 2025

The Creemore Echo asked the following two questions to the candidates running for Simcoe County District School Board trustee:
1. Why did you decide to run for school trustee?
2. How do you best convey to the voter the role of the trustee?

Annie Chandler
1. After 28 years of experience in education working with students, parents and community organizations, I feel that becoming a trustee would be a natural next step for me in my retirement.
I have gained valuable first-hand experience and knowledge, which would enable me to effectively represent the interests and concerns of the 12 school communities, which would be under my watch. As a lifelong resident I have a vested interest and knowledge of the area and its history. It would be an honour to be provided the opportunity to give back and become the voice and advocate for local public education. 

2. A trustee is often the first point of contact for parents and community members who have questions and/or concerns regarding education in their area. Communication and accessibility to a trustee and therefore to the board, is facilitated by establishing regular and consistent contact with the community by attending requested meetings with school councils and/or parent groups, by responding to phone or e-mail queries, and by establishing and utilizing all forms of social media available to keep people informed. Finally, a trustee is responsible for policy direction, demonstrating fiscal responsibility and promoting continuous improvement in our schools.

Donna Lawson
1. I decided to run for school trustee because I’ve been involved in the school system in Simcoe County for the last 23 years and it seemed like a natural progression for me to stay involved after my last child graduated from high school this past June.
I can’t imagine not being involved and look forward to providing the parents and most especially the students of the area with a venue to voice their concerns and ideas to the board.

2. The SCDSB lists the role of trustee as locally elected representatives who are the communities advocate for public education and assist the board in fulfilling their duties.
I see a trustee as the voice of parents and students interests to the board. Being involved as a volunteer in the area for many years establishes me as a hard working, dependable and reliable person that voters can communicate with.
I’m trying my best to convey the role through my Facebook page, my website, meet-the-candidate venues and through literature.

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