Friday, February 7th, 2025

As of Nov. 1, carbon monoxide alarms are required in certain homes in Ontario.

“If your home has a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage, you must have a working carbon monoxide alarm adjacent to each sleeping area of the home,” said Clearview Fire Chief Colin Shewell. “For added protection, install a carbon monoxide alarm on every storey of the home according to manufacturer’s instructions.” Fuel-burning appliances include, but are not limited to, furnaces, hot water heaters, gas or wood fireplaces, portable fuel-burning heaters and generators, barbecues, stoves and vehicles. 

Single-family homeowners and owners of residential buildings that contain no more than six suites have until April 15 to comply with the law. Owners of residential buildings with more than six suites have until Oct. 15 to comply.

The law will be enforced by Clearview Fire and Emergency Services. Failure to comply with the carbon monoxide alarm requirements could result in a fine of up to $50,000 for individuals or $100,000 for corporations.

The Ontario Fire Code was amended Oct. 15 to require the alarms after the provincial government passed Bill 77, the Hawkins Gignac Act, in December 2013. Bill 77 is named after OPP Const. Laurie Hawkins, who died along with her husband and two children from carbon monoxide poisoning in 2008. 

The Ontario Fire Code also requires that condo and apartment buildings with a service room, must install the alarms. In condo or apartment buildings that have a garage, alarms must be installed adjacent to each sleeping area above, below and beside the garage. 

“In Ontario, more than 80 per cent of injuries and deaths from carbon monoxide occur in the home,” said Shewell. “We want to make sure everyone is safe from carbon monoxide. Install carbon monoxide alarms, and do everything you can to prevent carbon monoxide in your home in the first place.”

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