Council held and in-camera session Monday to choose appointees to township committees but held off on deciding who would sit on the economic development committee.
“Council wants to review the terms of reference for that committee before they appoint members. They want to have an open discussion about some of the objectives of that committee,” said CAO Steve Sage.
“During the election and during the strategic plan there was a lot of requirement for economic development and growth. We are servicing the industrial lands, there’s a lot of things we a re looking to accomplish with respect to growth and development so therefore the economic development committee will probably have a lot of work to do.”
Council did appoint members to the accessibility advisory committee, the Clearview Public Library committee, committee of adjustment, New Lowell parks and recreation service board, recreation and culture advisory committee, Sunnidale Winterama committee and three committees in Creemore, the Creemore log cabin service board, Creemore Medical Centre service board and the Creemore Tree Society.
Council also approved members of the Creemore BIA committee, following an election process late last year.
Accessibility advisory committee
Peter Lomath
Carol Marsden
John Blohm
Doug Hammill
Janneke Leimgardt
Paul Ruppel
Council reps: Doug Measures and Deb Bronée
Clearview Public Library board
Robert Charlton
Helen Blackburn
Joan Greig
Kimberlee Adams
Marg Purkis
Pam Jeffrey
Diane Kelly
Maureen Westbrooke
Council reps: Connie Leishman and Robert Walker
Committee of Adjustment
David Scott
Stephen Morphet
Council rep: Barry Burton
Creemore Log Cabin service board
Pat Raible
Chris Raible
Michelle McKenzie
Paul Vorstermans
John Ferris
Marjorie Lang
Council rep: Thom Paterson
Creemore Medical Centre service board
Paul Vorstermans
Bill Mann
Rainer Machold
John Blohm
Marg Purkis
Paula Price
Peter Norton
Wendy Shellenberg
Council reps: Barry Burton and Thom Paterson
Creemore Tree Society
Marnie Hillier
Tracey Kolowska
Marla Hahne
Anne-Marie Morrey
Cheryl Miller
Jim Morrey
Liz Smith
Marilyn Chenier
Council rep: Thom Paterson
New Lowell parks and recreation service board
Joanne Black
Jessica Co’Dyre
Heidi Sterrenburg
Council rep: Deb Bronée
Recreation and culture advisory committee
Richard Edwards
Jessica Co’Dyre
Monica Norrie
Tamara Culham
Council reps: Robert Walker, Deb Bronée, Doug Measures
Sunnidale Winterama committee
Emmie Carlson
Deanna Lancaster
Jessica Co’Dyre
Heidi Sterrenburg
Agnes Van Ryn
Dave Wylie
Tyna Crockford
Wendy Lamers