A public meeting was held at town hall in Stayner Monday night to hear comments from the public on a proposed zoning bylaw amendment for the feed and seed lot property owned by the Gordon family in downtown Creemore.
It is proposed that the 3.5-acre property be zoned commercial, a change from the development area zone.
Cyndie Gordon said the intention is to return the property to its original zoning as it has always been a commercial property.
Clearview planner Marie Leroux said the development area was a zoning applied to property that is considered to be developed in the future.
It is also proposed that a small portion of the property (0.6 acres) be zoned residential and added to two existing residential lots on Collingwood Street.
Future development would require an Official Plan amendment and further public process, said director of planning and development Michael Wynia.
The Gordon family, said Cyndie, is looking for input from interested parties for future development of the property, in the family since 1959.