The Ontario Energy Board has ordered the Township of Clearview to allow wpd Fairview Wind to proceed with planning for a distribution system on Fairgrounds Road.
To deliver energy generated by its wind turbines, wpd is looking to install underground collector lines and an overhead line on township owned property.
“Fairview Wind submits that it has attempted but not been able to engage in discussions with the township in order to reach an agreement with respect to the location of some of the distribution system, namely two kilometres of underground collector line to be located under Fairgrounds Road,” states the Ontario Energy Board decision made Jan. 15 in response to an application filed by wpd in July for orders to establish the location of the collector line.
Both wpd and the township made submissions to the board.
“Board staff submitted that the applicant appears to have made several attempts to engage the township in order to complete a road use agreement with respect to locating its distribution system on the road allowance on Fairgrounds Road,” states the findings.
The board determined the township continually refused to meet with wpd on the basis that it was premature due to an ongoing approval process relating to the environmental registry of the project.
The board maintains that it is most efficient if the environmental review process and the distribution system approval process take place concurrently.
The board notes in order to proceed with construction of the distribution facilities, Fairview Winds will need to obtain all legally required permits and other approvals.
The township hired legal representation for the hearing.
“It is staff’s opinion that this request for a hearing is a further demonstration of the proponent’s disregard for the position and concerns of the municipality. The proponent has provided incomplete and inaccurate information to the municipality and has not been required by the MOE to correct such information. The proponent is seeking a formal determination regarding the utilization of township infrastructure prior to it receiving approvals under the environmental review process. It is staff’s opinion that this hearing request is premature at best,” reported Director of Community Planning and Development Michael Wynia to Clearview council on Sept. 8.