Sunday, February 16th, 2025

A rezoning is proposed for the commercial property at Cashtown Corners to allow for a gas station, convenience store, car wash, accessory apartment and a seasonal market garden.

Although the market has been set up at the location in past years, it is not a permitted use under the current zoning, said Township of Clearview planner Rossalyn Workman.

The owners, Richview Orchard Inc., are seeking to rezone the property, located at the corner of Airport Road and County Road 9, from highway commercial and hazard land to highway commercial exception and hazard land.

“We’re really at a preliminary stage right now. They are looking at redesigning. This is the plan we are putting forward and we haven’t really gotten down to the details but we are asking the public to give us any comments they might have at this time,” said Workman.

A public meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Jan. 26 at town hall in Stayner.

The current highway commercial C2 zone allows for commercial accommodation, restaurant with drive-through and take-out, a gas bar, car wash, towing compound, public information centre or carpool lot with accessory retail use or display sales.

Workman said adding a full-fledged convenience store does require the rezoning to allow for the exception. A restaurant with indoor seating and the outdoor market are also not currently permitted.

The subject property, 2802 County Road 42, is about 4.25 acres in size. The proposed redevelopment will occur only on the southern portion of the property. Approximately one-third of the property, to the north, will be left undisturbed.

A portion of the site along each of the county roads is allocated for future road widening.

The full application and others can be viewed at

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