Clearview Township councillor Thom Paterson was taking care of business Monday.
Paterson proposed council review the way it conducts business, its committees and gave notice that he will also be proposing a township service review.
Council members supported Paterson’s motion to “direct staff to prepare a report of alternate formats it may choose to adopt to improve effectiveness, efficiency, communication and public engagement as it conducts municipal business in the new term 2015/18. Such options to be included, but not be limited to, as committees of the whole, standing committees as well as procedural matters relating to consent agendas, public participation, pre-assigned times for public meeting, delegations and presentations should be considered.”
The review is to be conducted between April and July.
Paterson asked for support and input from councillors, saying it would be an effort of both council and staff.
Clerk Pamela Fettes said she is supportive of the initiative.
“I never think it is a bad idea to review meeting processes,” she said.
Councillor Deb Bronee was the only one to oppose the motion, saying the review should be considered as part of an exercise to outline council priorities as it looks at its overall goals for 2015 and the rest of the term.
Councillor Shawn Davidson said he is supportive of the review but hopes council will be efficient about it.
“I am hoping we can stay focused and streamlined and stay on track,” he said.
But fellow councillors felt Paterson’s proposal to also review all volunteer committees of council and municipal boards that serve the community by August is too ambitious.
“The review would include such matters as the structure and terms of reference for each committee, roles and responsibilities of appointed council representatives, improved communication and engagement of the volunteer members and the preparation of resultant amendments to policies and bylaw that will frame their respective responsibilities,” reads the motion.
Council showed support for the exercise but many members felt it couldn’t be done in 2015.
“It’s a good idea,” said Deputy Mayor Barry Burton. “I am just concerned about the timing. We need to get some economic development going. I’m afraid we’re going to get bogged down.”
Because volunteer committee members have just been appointed to four-year terms, council agreed to give them a chance to begin their work before involving them in a review process.
True to his word, Paterson also gave notice that he will ask council and staff to undertake a comprehensive review of the 2015/16 departmental operating and capital budgets.
“The intent is to review current levels of service provided by such expenditures, the need to continue such services at the same level more or less, and to identify potential new services not yet provided,” reads the notice of motion.
He is proposing that before the next budget process begins, efficiencies be investigated in relation to services and costs, with input from the public.