Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Members of the Clearview Ministerial Association are welcome to continue to bestow blessings on council, if they so wish.

Council voted June 22 to not only continue its practice of opening each meeting with an address from a member of the association, but also to extend the opportunity to people of all faiths.

The vote was prompted by a recommendation from the township clerk earlier this month to remove the prayer from council’s agenda after a recent Supreme Court ruling.

In April, the court upheld a lower court decision that reciting Catholic prayers at council meetings in Saguenay, Quebec was a violation of religious rights after complaints from an atheist who attended meetings.

Council members have voted against the clerk’s recommendation to remove the allocated time for members of the faith community.

Officials say, the practice of praying before council has not yet been called into question by any of the citizens of Clearview Township.

A June 1 vote was deferred to give the Ministerial Association a chance to respond.

The association’s secretary Rob Harwood made a presentation Monday to council members and supporters from the faith community.

He said the Bible calls for them to pray for elected officials to make good decisions for the community.

He urged council to be inclusive in its decision about the practice, rather than risk isolating members of the community. He noted, in Saguenay, the Catholic prayer was forced through a bylaw, despite complaints.

Councillor Thom Paterson said the conundrum is, how to continue the practice without showing favour to one faith?

He said the court ruling makes reference to religious neutrality in the public sphere, without giving prevalence to religion or atheism.

There was discussion about how specific to be about faith groups.

The original motion included wiccans, atheists, Buddhists and Muslims but councillors decided to leave it open ended.

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