This is a Conservative riding. It has been since 2004. People vote for the party that best represents their values, beliefs and concerns. The party that wins the most seats forms government. No problem. But this election, I feel compelled to respectfully ask those of you who are considering voting Conservative if the government of the past decade really reflects your values and beliefs?
Since coming to power, the Conservatives have gotten into public conflicts with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, the head of Elections Canada, the head of Statistics Canada, the Parliamentary Budget Officer and the Auditor General of Canada cover their actions. In each case, they have attacked the personal and professional integrity of these ‘unelected bureaucrats’ and ‘so-called experts’, as their endless talking points refer to them. Are we really to believe that all of these individuals who rose through their careers to lead the organizations which serve as the pillars of our democracy are really just self-serving individuals with a partisan axe to grind? And along this line of questioning: Does anyone really believe that the Economic Action Plan ads and the Health Canada anti-marijuana ads were really just informing the public and not the Conservatives using our tax dollars to promote themselves? Does anyone believe that the Fair Elections Act was designed to improve the election process and not an attempt to make it more difficult for people who don’t normally vote Conservative (ex-pats, First Nations, students and the poor) to vote? Is there anyone that thinks we shouldn’t let scientists talk to the media about research that we pay for? Does anyone believe cramming omnibus budget bills full of items that have nothing to do with the budget isn’t simply an attempt to squash debate on things that might be deeply unpopular? Does anyone actually believe the robo-call affair was one individual in Guelph and had nothing to do the Conservative Party? Does anyone believe Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin were doing anything other than what was asked of them: namely, to fly around the country on the taxpayer’s dime and use their celebrity status to fundraise for the Conservative Party of Canada? Does anyone believe Pierre Poilievre’s assertion that the root cause of terrorism is terrorists? For that matter, has anyone actually seen Paul Calandra make a mockery of the House of Commons in Question Period? Check it out on YouTube.
I don’t believe this government represents the values and beliefs of any of us. We wouldn’t let our children behave the way they do. I don’t use these words lightly, but from where I stand, this government appears to be a lying, cheating pack of bullies. But if you really can’t stand the thought of voting for any of the other parties, have you considered the Rhinoceros Party? They pledge to nationalize Tim Hortons. I’ve heard worse ideas.
Simon Heath,