Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Diane McKay is looking for someone to take the reigns and coordinate the annual Creemore Community Christmas Dinner.

Due to personal and family health issues McKay said she is no longer able to focus on organizing the dinner.

“It’s going to be difficult for us to give it up. We’ve come to know so many of the folks who have come throughout the years. There have been some that have come right from the beginning,” said McKay.

She said it’s not just Creemore residents who come together but people from elsewhere who have some family connection to the village.

“We’ve had some wonderful reunions over the years, it’s been very, very rewarding,” said McKay.

A merry party of almost 150 people enjoyed a meal together at the Legion in Creemore on Christmas Day past. Now in its 14th year, the dinner is free and open to everyone. It is meant to provide a welcoming place for people who may otherwise be alone on Christmas Day.

“It’s meant a lot to the community, far more than I ever envisioned. People from all walks of life do come and it’s wonderful,” said McKay.

She said ideally, one person would take charge and build a team of volunteers to help pull it off.

There is a wealth of resources available to anyone who is willing to take it over. Jim Henderson has signed on to cook the turkeys and the Legion is secure as an annual venue. Lists of food suppliers, past volunteers and entertainers are also available. Over the years, volunteers have managed to gather all of the equipment necessary to put out a nice spread and it is all in waiting for this year’s event.

McKay said the event receives generous financial donations from community members so there shouldn’t be too many expenses with the exception of buying gifts for nursing home residents. Last year, extra money was raised to purchase gifts for a those seniors who do not have any family.

Anyone interested in learning more about taking on the role of coordinator for the dinner is welcome to call McKay at 705-466-3126 or e-mail

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