The Clearview Stayner Food Bank is handing out Christmas hampers this week for the families it supports.
The Stayner Lions Club purchased more than $4,000 worth of groceries to make up 67 boxes for the food bank.
They packed the boxes on Sunday and delivered them to the food bank Dec. 17, ready for pick up that day. The Lions will deliver to those who cannot pick up their hampers.
The food bank supplements the food supply of 195 people living in all parts of Clearview each month.
“Clearview has a population of 14,000 and we have a small food bank that supports a large area,” said food bank coordinator Pam Royal.
She said food donations are coming in but cash donations are down this month even though food bank usage is up and food prices continue to rise.
The food bank provides a few days’ worth of food per month to each of its users.
It costs about $33,000 to run the food bank each year and the group of volunteers who manage the facility rely solely on donations.
Approximately $13,000 of that is used to buy peanut butter, cereal and canned soup. Royal said the food bank gives out 600 cans of soup each month.
She said she has a goal to have all cereal and peanut butter donated so she can buy milk and bread for families with children.
“I don’t know if people realize how essential food banks are,” said Royal. “Ninety-five per cent of people wouldn’t come to the food bank if they didn’t have to. They come because they have to come and I am glad we are here to help.”
The Clearview Stayner Food Bank, located at 7271 Highway 26, is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or drop donations off at Home Hardware on the main street in Stayner.
People are welcome to call Pam Royal at 705-428-5995 or leave a message on the food bank’s voicemail at 705-517-0166.