Steed 2-0-0
Baylis 1-1-0
Fuller 1-1-0
Millsap 0-2-0
From the Hack: Marilyn Steed skipped with three spares this week, Karen, Karen and Kim (the three Ks). Marilyn and Catherine gave their opponents a wee curling lesson, which was humbly accepted. Giggles, gabbing and refreshments after the game.
Coulter 3-0-1
Ruppel 3-1-0
Martens 2-1-1
Bell 1-2-0
Steed 0-3-1
McArthur 0-2-1
From the Hack: Monday morning had Team Ruppel at their best with an easy win over Team McArthur. Monday afternoon provided a closer match, with a tie in the making, after Ron from Team Coulter, managed a five pointer in the seventh. Marilyn skipping Team Steed, played a spectacular double raise with her last stone to score the last point in the eighth and secure the tie. Good to see the newcomers Jake, Pete and Scott are getting a handle (pun intended!) on their throwing weight. On Wednesday, Team Ruppel “hit the wall” and lost to Team Coulter, when they had to face the excellent shot making from Ron and Dorothy. Team Martens was able to clinch a win over Team Steed. Good curling everyone!
(cancelled this week due to the snow storm)
Crevier 1-0-0
Fuller 1-0-0
J. Millsap 1-0-0
Rowbotham 1-0-0
Flack 0-1-0
D. Millsap 0-1-0
Ruppel 0-1-0
Verstegen 0-1-0
From the Hack: The Tuesday night men’s league is looking for another curler for the January-February draw. If anyone is interested in playing, contact Adam Verstegen at 705-607-2326. You don’t have to be an experienced player. New curlers are more than welcome.
Rowbotham 1-0-0
Fuller 1-0-0
Crevier 1-0-0
Bell 1-0-0
Morby 1-0-0
Lambert 0-1-0
Neelin 0-1-0
Kelly 0-1-0
McArthur 0-1-0
Lindsay 0-1-0
From the Hack: Off to a great start in the New Year. Welcome back Robert McArthur, Steve Morby and Neil Rowbotham. A hearty welcome to new curlers Sherry McArthur, Wayne Stephenson and Randy Johnson.