Sunday, February 16th, 2025

There was loud clapping coming from the congregation of the New Lowell United Church as Nora Snow and Hilda Fenzau arrived at church and were able to be the first people to use the new elevator lift to enter the sanctuary. It is just lovely now that this 140-year-old building is accessible for all. Church services are at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday. Sunday school is offered during the service for all ages. Please call Sandra at 705-424-6497 or email if you have a child or youth interested in coming.

The family of Marg Duff helped her celebrate a milestone birthday on Sunday with a come-and-go afternoon party at the Presbyterian Church in Angus. Family and friends gathered with wishes, hugs and lots of memories to share with Marg. Now, Marg has a special day for her birthday it is Dec. 25 but this year the family decided to give her a special day of her own! Happy years to come Marg.

The New Lowell United Church is offering a pancake supper on Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall in the church. There will be a full pancake dinner with dessert and coffee/tea. The cost is $10 per adult, $5. Per child six and up and under six is free. This is a fundraiser for the church. A good time, just before the beginning of Lent, to bring a friend or neighbour for a sweet dinner out right in the village.

New Lowell Public School parent council has been holding workshops this year to help parents with varied topics pertaining to their child’s development. In the fall there was a guest speaker that outlined an informative presentation on the importance of the internet and how it can help or hinder in your presentation for future careers. It was a great workshop for parents to learn about how to guide and watch their children become safe on the use of the internet. On Feb. 1 the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s Christine Tjeerdsma took us through all the steps of good bedtime routines for all ages (even an old gal like me learned something). It was a fantastic presentation that I am sure would have helped many parents with tips for all routines in the evenings and mornings with any age of child. Sadly both of these workshops have not been well attended. In the fall there were about 20 adults in attendance and this week there were six of us and two did not have school age children. From a school with over a 100 families that is not a very good average. I hope that for the future workshops that we will try to support your local parent council or perhaps ask them to schedule workshops on topics that you would like to be part of.

The weather sure has shown us it is very unpredictable and especially for early February with the mild days. Be very careful when walking as there still are very icy patches under all those puddles of water.

The Legion offers euchre on Wednesday afternoon for anyone who would like an afternoon of good fun and cards. It starts at 1 p.m. and from what I hear they have a very happy, chatty time.

There is also another day that seniors or really anyone that wishes to come to the New Lowell United Church on the first Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m. They are offering an afternoon of working on your craft, perhaps learning a new craft, or maybe just enjoying an afternoon out with a cup of tea and cookie. This will help beat the winter blahs. The next date is March 1.

The Sparks, Brownies and Guides will resume their meeting place at the United Church beginning on Feb. 16. For further information, call Tammy at 705-424-5252.

That’s the news for in and around New Lowell. And this week…

Very few burdens are heavy when everyone lifts… hats off to our local volunteers!

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