Marilyn Steed 2-0-0
Gayle Millsap 1-1-0
Donna Baylis 1-1-0
Catherine Fuller 0-2-0
From the Hack: This week the gals in vice position moved up to skip. Everyone had fun and received a lot of help to learn the secrets of being a skip and feeling the power. Standing in a house and holding onto a broom has a whole different meaning now. Welcome to our new curler, Monique Van Severen. Lots of giggles after the game.
McDonald 1-0
Vorstermans 1-0
Meulendyk 0-0-1
Stephens 0-0-1
Cass 0-1
Lambert 0-1
Neelin 0-0-0 (bye week)
From the Hack: This draw, the vices move up to skip, the skips move down to lead to learn how to sweep again, and everyone else moves up a position.
McArthur 3-0
Bell 2-1
Ruppel 2-2
Steed 1-2
Martens 0-3
From the Hack: Wednesday provided a fantastic match between Team Ruppel and Team McArthur. Both Milton and Paul made “TSN – Play of the Day” type shots in the third end. Milton made an in turn takeout through an impossibly tight port created by the guards, to sit count stone. Not to be outdone, Paul made the same incredible shot and rolled slightly behind cover. Milton followed up with an out turn takeout, through the same opening, to sit one and steal that end. Good curling everyone!
No report this week.. Was hidden in a snow bank!