Why suffer the wars in which our soldiers died for us to live free of fear, only to find a war on our streets, with little being done about it.
Where is the outrage of our citizens? Where is the courage of our politicians, to address the issue of dispelling fear of gun violence in an effective manner?
What happened to “glorious and free”, when hand guns and assault rifles have a presence in our society?
The mindless slaughter on our streets claimed 244 victims in Ontario, in 2015, up 84 per cent from 2014!
With courage, our Parliament could introduce legislation of zero-tolerance, putting teeth into deterrence that would reduce the incidence of gun violence and preserve our sense of human sanctity.
The citizens of Canada deserve being free from fear in their homes and on their streets.
It’s the responsibility of government to assure it.
To help make it possible, visit nohandguns.ca, sign the petition and spread the word, to convince Parliament to debate the issue.
John Wiggins,