Clearview Township has released the salaries of five current municipal employees and one former employee in advance of the publication of the so-called Sunshine List.
The list is released to the public each spring as required by law under the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act and reveals the annual salaries and taxable benefits of public sector employees who earn $100,000 or more.
CAO Steve Sage made $124,724.20 in 2015 (plus $659.80 in taxable benefits); treasurer and director of finance Edward Henley made $118,750.20 (plus $629.24 in taxable benefits); clerk and director of legislative services Pamela Fettes made $108,942.32 (plus $577.28 in taxable benefits); Fire Chief Colin Shewell made $101,336.49 (plus $537.50 in taxable benefits); and general manager of environmental services Mike Rawn made $101,336.36 (plus $537.50 in taxable benefits).
“In an effort of being transparent, we have decided to publish the salary information ahead of the scheduled release,” said Mayor Chris Vanderkruys in a media release. “Offering a competitive market wage is important for attracting and retaining professional talent. These individuals are hardworking, dedicated employees that have truly earned their salary.”
Former director of planning, development and information services Michael Wynia was also on the list. He was paid $188,430.90 (plus $308.84 in taxable benefits) in 2015.
“The salary consisted of salary, accrued vacation and lieu and also other,” said Vanderkruys.
Wynia has not been working at the municipality since April. In 2014, he earned $109,839.36.
“Clearview Township signed a confidentiality agreement and as a result cannot disclose the composition of the $188,431 paid out to Mr. Wynia in 2015,” said Sage.