Sunday, February 16th, 2025



Marilyn Steed 5-1-0

Catherine Fuller 3-3-0

Donna Baylis 2-4-0

Gayle Millsap 2-4-0

From the Hack: Team Steed and team Fuller will be curling for the Husker House Trophy Monday night. The vices skipped this week and will be skips in the trophy round and it will be Ann Huskinson (team Fuller) and Diane Kelly (team Steed) skipping their way to victory. Although Marilyn was guaranteed first place, Team Millsap gave them a run for the money with it coming down to the last rock to break a tie. Everyone enjoyed good conversation and laughter after the game. Next week is our year-end dinner, mmm good. May the force of the broom be with you!


Ruppel 5-2

Bell 5-3

McArthur 3-4

Martens 3-4

Steed 2-5

From the Hack: On March 14, there were two great games played. Both games provided large point swings with multiple points scored in numerous ends. Team Bell managed a win over Team Steed and Team Ruppel secured a victory against Team McArthur in the last end. Good curling everyone. On March 21 Team Bell managed an easy victory over Team McArthur. Jim made some tremendous shots including a double raise to the button to secure the win. On sheet 2, Team Steed cruised to their second win, beating Team Martens in a close fought competition. Good curling everyone!


Paul Vorstermans 3-0-1

Ed Meulendyk 2-2-1

Al Lambert 2-2

Brian Cass 2-2

Mike Stephens 1-2-2

Graham McDonald 1-3

Bill Neelin 1-2

From the Hack March 15: There was some crazy wait happening on March 15. Also on sheet 1, the 7 p.m. draw score was more of a football score with many large scoring ends. March 22: With Paul Vorstermans bye week he still is undefeated going into the last game of the season. This week we had some great games that went to the end. Next week is champions week!


McArthur 4-1-0

Fuller/Rowbotham 3-1-1

Bell 3-1-1

Neelin 3-2-0

Cass 3-2-0

Crevier 2-1-2

Lindsay 2-3-0

Baylis 1-2-2

Morby 1-4-0

Kelly 0-5-0

From the Hack: Team McArthur is leading the pack. His last two games are against Bell then Fuller/Rowbotham. If he loses either, or both, the Creemore Village Pharmacy Trophy could be up for grabs. Stay tuned…

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