An accommodation review committee for three Stayner schools has recommended closing Byng Public School and converting Stayner Collegiate Institute into a Grade 7-12 school.
At the third and final public meeting Wednesday evening, SCI parent rep Sabrina Westbrooke said the committee, unanimously with the exception of one member, supports the Simcoe County District School Board staff recommendation, Option C, to close Byng Public School and have all students in Grades JK-6 attend Clearview Meadows Elementary School and make SCI into a school for Grades 7-12. And also, to submit a school consolidation capital business case to the Ministry of Education for additions, renewal and program space enhancements.
The ARC presented eight recommendations to a small crowd during a meeting that lasted only 30 minutes.
Westbrooke outlined the committee’s eight recommendations:
Conduct an area attendance review to expand the boundaries of SCI; review and adhere to transportation guidelines making it harder for students to transfer to other schools; develop a communication plan to support the project; seek out community partnerships to be housed at SCI (for example a library) to make SCI a community hub; provide transitional support for students, parents and teachers; plan for additional multi-use space for programming enhancements at SCI; preserve the history of Byng by salvaging some of the architectural features such as stained glass windows, and incorporate them into the renovation of either SCI or the JK-6 school, which they recommend is re-named to “represent the coming together of both elementary schools”.
“We do strongly believe that our schools are the cornerstones of our community,” said Westbooke on behalf of the ARC. She said having both a high school and an elementary school in our community is key to success.
Five parents spoke at the meeting voicing concerns about the safety of students walking the extra distance to school and vehicular congestion at the drop-off zone.
Over three months, the ARC held three public meetings to hear input from the community, one at each of the three schools, and had five other meetings. The ARC was struck to address declining enrollment at SCI and structural deficits at Byng.
Going in, the ARC was presented an initial staff report that outlined three options. Option A was to maintain status quo and Option B was to close SCI and transfer students to Collingwood Collegiate Institute and Nottawasaga Pines Secondary School; close Byng Public School and accommodate Byng Public School students and Clearview Elementary School Students at Clearview Meadows Elementary School and the SCI facility.
Both options would have included a request for funds for renewal, program space and additions where necessary.
Now that the ARC has been dissolved, the recommendations will be consolidated into a staff report to go to the school board for May 11. A special meeting to hear delegations will be on May 24 at the board office and the trustees will make their final decision on June 9.
At a March 21 council meeting, Clearview Township also passed a resolution to support Option C.
“This option will ensure that Stayner Collegiate Institute remains open to benefit our community for years to come,” said Mayor Chris Vanderkruys in a statement.