Monday, February 17th, 2025

The sideboard in the Morrey family home’s dining room is stacked with cards and overflowing with flowers.

The death of Anne-Marie – Annie to her close friends – shocked the community. Cards of condolence are still flowing in for husband Jim and sons Richard, Robert and Michael, some from people they have never met, expressing their sadness.

The family has been going through photos, getting ready for an upcoming celebration of life, and one constant is Anne-Marie’s smile. That smile and her enduring kindness is what people have been talking about since the news of her death reached the village.

Jim and Anne-Marie were in England on Easter weekend for a family wedding. It was supposed to the beginning of an extended holiday but on the first night in Wrenbury, where Jim is from, she got up in the middle of the night and fell down the stairs. She never regained consciousness and died March 28 at the age of 60, after a week in critical care.

Her sons flew down that day and they had a small cremation service with friends and family before flying home with the ashes.

Anne-Marie, born June 3, 1955, grew up in Chapeau, Quebec. At the age of 20 she moved to Ottawa to work as a Bell Canada operator.

“She left there because they wouldn’t give her the time off to take a trip to Europe”, said Jim, “and then they wouldn’t re-hire her.”

Anne-Marie met Jim, a member of the British army, in the summer of 1978 at Molly McGuire’s Pub, off Rideau Street. Anne-Marie was with a friend and Jim was with an army buddy, out for a night, when they struck up a conversation.

“I was a soldier in Ottawa trying to get lucky and I got luck for 38 years,” said Jim. “The following year we moved in together and things took off from there… Never looked back. I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight but it wasn’t too long afterwards.”

Jim went back to England and became a firefighter. Anne-Marie moved there in 1979 and together they decided to move back to Canada in 1981.

Anne-Marie mainly stayed home to take care of her three sons while they were little and then later, when they were in school, she went to work as a supply list educational assistant working with students who had special needs and behavioural issues. 

“There were good days and bad days. It was hard work but she enjoyed it and she was good at it. She kept getting called back to the same schools all the time,” said Jim.

He said it was great because she moved around to different schools and got to meet a lot of people, making an impact on more people than the family realized. Many of the cards now pouring in are from teachers and students she worked with.

Even before she got on with the school board, said Robert, she was helping kids around the neighbourhood with tutoring, helping them to read and write.

“She took a lot of pride in that… She was very, very patient,” said Michael.

“Very patient,” said Robert, “Well, she had the three of us.”

Jim said she supported the four men in her life in everything they were doing, soccer, Scouts and work with the volunteer fire department. She was also involved with the Tree Society and the curling club.

“Pretty much anybody who needed help, she was there,” said Michael.

They say she had a gift for making friends, she wouldn’t allow people to make enemies of her, and she had an infectious smile.

A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, at the Creemore Legion.

(Anne-Marie Morrey (from left) is pictured with close friends Jackie Durnford and Heidi Elder)

4 Responses

  1. Dear Anne-Marie, Your wonderful Personality and Lovely Smile will remain with me for EVER.My Heartfelt Sympathy on the lost of a Special person in your life.My thoughts and prayers are with all of you now.

  2. She was such an amazing person and yes her smile, I will always remember. We hung around in our teenage years, from the same little village. Sad to hear of this tragedy. My prayers and thoughts are with the family.

  3. Love you, and God rest your soul Mum. Things haven`t gotten the slightest bit easier, and never will.

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