The Creemore Echo’s annual subscription drive is off to a great start thanks to everyone who has renewed or taken a first-time subscription, either stopping by our table at the Farmers’ Market, calling, or popping in to the office. We want to give a special shout out to those who have opted to be boosters and champions. Your generous contribution goes the extra distance to keep The Creemore Echo in print and online!
Champions: Joan and David Black, Helen Blackburn, Fran and Paul Breithaupt, Lynn Eakin, Rowland and Kate Fleming, Douglas Goodall, Barb and Peter Halsall, Read Hilton, Anna Hobbs, Bill and Gail Martens, Matthew McBride, Dr. Paul McCutcheon, Doug and Norah Mills, Ted and Mary Louise Morgan, L. James Simpson, Bill and Loraine Strain.
Boosters: David Archibald, Robert McLean, Chris and Pat Raible, Jim and Carolyn Wines, Ann Warren, Lee and Chuck Magwood, Christine and Wendle Wigle, Walter and Shanna Lucas, Anne Stephen and David Gray, Jim and Dawn McPherson, Mary and Don Stewart.
Sara and Trina will be at the market this Saturday. We hope to see you there!