Friday, February 7th, 2025

This year’s recipient of the Senior of the Year award, Bert Tupling, is the true embodiment of civic responsibility and community engagement.

Bert has a soft spot for the youth of the community. Thus his involvement in the Michael Tupling Memorial Fund Committee to support all our youth to keep them involved in figure skating and hockey. His mission is to make the North Dufferin Community Centre a better place for parents, grandparents, and spectators to cheer on and encourage our youth.

Tupling is also the chairperson for the trustees of the Honeywood United Church. Their current focus is to keep the church, which has been closed in the last few years, as a presence in the community.

He is working diligently alongside the other trustees to find a tangible way to demonstrate the respect that the community’s forefathers deserve.

Their tireless efforts, with little in the way of financial resources, to support the manse, church and cemetery of the Honeywood community should be preserved.

Tupling strives to make it a reality to ensure that their past contributions be honoured and recognized by the community, now and in the future.

He is also a founding member of the North Dufferin Community Centre advisory board.

The mission of this newly created board is to keep the arena as a hub of activity for both Mulmur and Melancthon residents, by working with both townships to find ways to operate a small facility during times of dwindling resources in rural municipalities.

– Submitted by the Township of Mulmur.

One Response

  1. Good on Mr. Tupling in wanting the Church next to the cemetery to remain on site. My Grt. Grt. grandfather was one of the Pioneers to the community coming over from Yorkshire England. He will have known Mr. Tuplings Ancestors. My Grt. Grt. grandfather was George Siddall and he had a farm kitty corner from the Church on Lot 28 Con 3. He and other Yorkshire men came over from England and purchased lands and got involved with the village there and the community activities. He was also one of the founding father’s on the committee for the Church that stands next to the cemetery. Many of my Ancestors are buried in that cemetery, Beatty’s, Siddall’s, Mathews etc. I have 2 sets of Grt. Grandparents there, Geo. and Mary Ann Siddall as well as as well as John and Elizabeth Mathews and one set of Grandparents. Wm. and Mary Siddall Beatty. Many of their children and grandchildren are buried there as well. We live in the Waterloo area and we try to visit the cemetery at least once a year. I have been many times to the Dufferin Co. Archives researching my roots. This area is very important to me and I thank those who also feel that the Church needs to stay as a Memorial to all our ancestors who cleared the forests and tilled the lands in order to make a better home in this country for their families.
    Elaine Beatty McGuire

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