CARA urges you to complete the township’s survey on ATVs.
We would like to remind everyone that today, Thursday, June 30 is the last day to respond to the township’s proposal to survey residents about their views on whether ATVs should be allowed on public roads throughout the township. The survey was designed by staff and posted on the township’s website (clearview.ca) in response to a presentation made to Council by the Central Ontario ATV Club.
The club views Clearview as necessary to complete a trail system connecting Wasaga Beach to Grey Highlands.
The survey starts off by telling you which municipalities in Ontario allow ATVs on public roads. Please also review the three maps that outline possible routings for ATV use throughout the township also posted on the township website, including the “recommended” routes outlined on the Clearview maps.
The issue of using ATVs on township roads was raised in 2008 and was rejected at that time.
We are not against ATVs which can be a valuable vehicle around the farm, in some commercial applications and on rural properties, but we do not believe they should be encouraged on local roads. We believe the reasons we raised at that time are still valid. They include noise, speed, pollution, safety, public liability, and damage to wildlife. They detract from the quiet we all enjoy and threaten some of the most scenic areas of the natural environment in Clearview. It is by no means clear to us why we would want to give this up for the sake of ATV users from outside Clearview.
If you are reading this and have missed the chance to complete the survey, please contact your local Councillor to share your views.
Greg Young,
CARA president