Friday, February 7th, 2025

It is my pleasure as your education trustee to provide you with some valuable information that will help enrich and promote another great year of learning at Nottawasaga Creemore Public School.

One of the comments I hear repeatedly from staff and administration is the importance of your student arriving on time each day or even a few minutes early. If a student rushes in at the last minute or is late for class, they will have missed the casual banter that occurs between students and teachers and more importantly they will miss valuable morning instruction and learning which can negatively accumulate over time. Things always go more smoothly when everyone is aware and follows the school guidelines.

It is important to stay connected to your students’ progress and be aware of ongoing school events that occur throughout the year. This can be facilitated by subscribing to the school’s website ( where you will receive newsletters, find a calendar of events and other important information. You may also choose to follow the school on Twitter or Facebook however paper copies of the Newsletter are available upon request. Every student receives a free agenda book which should be taken home each evening and serve as a method of written back and forth communication between parents and teachers. Should you have any concerns about classroom matters, contact the teacher first so that the issue can be dealt with promptly rather than let it fester and grow. On the other hand don’t hesitate to communicate with the teacher just to see how your student is doing or how you may be able to support your children academically at home.

 There will be an open house on Thursday, Sept. 29 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., which will be a great opportunity to meet the teachers and get communication rolling. The first school council meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. and is open to all parents or community groups that would like to connect/assist the school in some way. School council meets the first Tuesday of each month. On a community level they are looking for volunteers to work with students to maintain and nurture the vegetable and flower gardens and are always interested in creating partnerships with individuals who may have special skills or talents that they would like to share.

Finally, I am looking forward to the school’s 50th anniversary celebrations which will take place on May 10. As a side note, upon sale of the Annex, the SCDSB have agreed to pay for the costs of securing the school bell so that it may be transferred to the elementary school for display and casual use. Thanks to Gerry Blackburn for getting involved and showing the interest in facilitating this important transfer of Creemore history!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question about navigating the school system at 705-229-6217 or e-mail

You can also follow me on Twitter at @annie4education or visit my Facebook page SCDSB Trustee Annie Chandler.

Annie Chandler is the Simcoe County District School Board trustee for Clearview Township and Collingwood.

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