Our bruised and battered federal representative Kellie Leitch has suffered a decidedly un-Canadian pummeling because she dared to ask us to define Canadian values.
This is not a new exercise.
For generations, we Canadians have tried to put words to what it means to be Canadian.
Humbly, but always superior to Americans, we have toyed with endless attractive descriptions, but we have arrived at none that stick.
I am grateful to Kellie Leitch for having the moxie to bring this Great Canadian debate out of the closed mindset of political correctness, into the open and out for healthy discussion.
We must know who we are, before we invite others to share the great gifts we have as Canadians, with our remarkable, if undefined, Canadian values.
I am reminded that I am an immigrant; not particularly lazy, not living off the Canadian taxpayer. In fact, every year, Revenue Canada loves me unconditionally!
Reet McGovern Shearer,