County Road 42 is not the gateway to Creemore. It is the gateway to an agricultural community which relies on the services of Huron Tractors for equipment and repairs, Holmes Agro for seed and fertilizer and Steer Enterprises to keep farm transportation equipment in repair and safe to get the agricultural commodities to the End Users.
Drive though Steer’s lot and you will see that better than half the trucks in for service have farm business names on their doors.
You would have to be very near sighted to say that Steer Enterprises is not serving the agricultural community in a big way, maybe even more than the equipment dealers themselves.
Almost every farm of any size now owns their own commercial vehicle.
If it weren’t for large trucks farming would stop, no fuel, no fertilizer, no seed, no parts, no equipment, no way to get produce to markets, or no way to build infrastructure. The store shelves should go empty for a week and people would have a different outlook on what the agricultural industry means to their lives.
Rezoning should not be a problem as you can drive around Creemore and see five thousand square foot homes built in the middle of a 20-acre prime agriculture field with a winding laneway, pond and trees sporadically planted over the rest of the field. Forcing Steer Enterprises to relocate elsewhere would be detrimental to the agricultural community.
Roger McLeod,