Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Kellie Leitch is not qualified to be a member of parliament, let alone the leader of a major political party.

By the mere suggestion of establishing a Canadian values test, Leitch demonstrates a devastating lack of human values that all Canadians, no, all human beings require of their neighbours and community leaders.

She has thoughtlessly responded to the suffering and plight of other human beings with contempt and her actions are provoking an unusually cruel mindset in others.

Canada is, and always has been, a place of safety and refuge for the exhausted and suffering.

Canada embodies tolerance, empathy and charity. We are a home to the hopeful.

In every way possible, my wife and I work to instill in our children the principles of tolerance understanding and curiosity of others. We refuse to allow Leitch’s values to corrupt that.

Peter Madore,


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