The 10th annual Creemore Apple Pie Contest will be a part of the village’s Thanksgiving celebrations.
Bakers are encouraged to have a homemade pie ready for the judges on Saturday, Oct. 8. Apple pies must be submitted by 9:30 a.m. at the Farmers’ Market next to Station on the Green.
They will be judged on flavour, appearance, crust and texture.
Ribbons will be awarded for the best pies and those in attendance will have a chance to judge for themselves when the pie is served up after the judging. Donations are being accepted.
Creemore resident Linda Cockton is this year’s honourary judge and she is directing proceeds to the Tree Society of Creemore.
Judging will be complete by 10:30 a.m., in time to catch the Toronto and North York Hunt’s ride to hounds at 11 a.m. The parade starts and finishes at the Gordon Feed and Seed lot, directly across from Foodland.
Spectators are invited to come by the lot after the parade to admire the horses, pet the hounds and meet the riders and witness a Blessing of the Hounds and Horses.