Sunday, February 16th, 2025

During the war years, Mansfield community had a very active Red Cross. With the end of the Second World War, there was a void as there was no longer the same need for the ladies to help the Red Cross support the soldiers.

With this great community foundation, Eleanor Greer was instrumental in introducing the Women’s Institute to the ladies and on May 14, 1946 she invited the ladies to her home and thus Mansfield Women’s Institute (WI) began. Soon after our women’s Institute organized evenings of fellowship and a kitchen shower for the new immigrants and also for two war brides. You can tell that the ladies’ generosity continued on.

Over the years, the Mansfield WI was very supportive of community needs and enrichment, just like our sister branches. I must add that in recent years, our branch was successful in bringing a street light to Airport Road and Mulmur 17, the traffic lights at Mansfield and no-charge calling between Alliston and Shelburne telephone exchanges and there are many more worthwhile success stories; another being a strong supporter of the Dufferin County Museum when it moved to Mulmur in the 1990s. Some of our ladies dressed in period costume and spent many days quilting, not only as a demonstration but also making quilts to raise funds.

The Mansfield community has a rich history of a July 1 baseball tournament in our local park. The WI was always there to provide a food booth. It was not only a homecoming for many people who returned for the special event, it was always a successful fundraiser for the local WI branch. The popular menu was sandwiches, hotdogs and homemade pies. Although today we do not have the ball tournaments, the ladies continue to get together to celebrate Canada Day at the park pavilion, around a kitchen table or at a local restaurant, standing proud for Canada has always been important to our members and community.

In 1952, the Mansfield WI built the original Cenotaph in the Mansfield Park, again showing a strong support and respect to our military who served us well. In 2011, Mansfield WI decided to restore and enhance the aging cenotaph. The committee chose to add a memorial garden and a concrete walkway and a bronze plaque was added to honour those who served in Afghanistan. The cost being $10,000, one half came from Veteran’s Affairs and the balance was raised by the Women’s Institute, with tremendous help from the community through cash and in-kind donations, as well as support from local businesses.

Our motto is “for Home and Country” and as you read the history of our Women’s Institute, it shows that the ladies truly carry this motto in their hearts.

Trina Berlo photo: Mulmur Mayor Paul Mills celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Mansfield Women’s Institute Oct. 4 with members Marlene McLaren, Norma Gallaugher, Alina Greer, Blaunshe Ciach, Jackie Logue, Isabel Ireland and president Jane Hawkins.

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