Sunday, February 16th, 2025


Mixed League


Crevier 1-0-0

Fuller 1-0-0

Kelly 1-0-0

Morby 1-0 -0

Rowbotham 0-1-0

McArthur 0-1-0

Bell 0-1-0

Baylis 0-1-0

From the Hack: The mixed league is underway with eight teams competing for the Jim Steed Memorial Trophy.  A hearty welcome to new curlers Mardi O’Shea, Amy Purkis, Jazmin Verstegen, Melissa Ferguson and Lisa McInnis!



Loranger 2-0-0

McArthur 1-1-0

Martens 1-0-0

McDougall 0-1-0

Steed 0-2-0

From the Hack: The Daytime curlers are off and running, or should I say sliding! Team Loranger has started well with two wins, but it’s a long journey yet and anything can happen. Kate, Wayne, Liz and Mike’s shots have been right on! On Wednesday, Team McArthur fell very much behind Team Steed early in the game, but through the expert shot-making of Gail, Bill, Isobel and Milton they were able to turn things around and pull off the win! We welcome new curlers Wayne, Al and Jim to the daytime curlers. Good curling everyone!



Gayle Millsap 1-0-0

Donna Baylis 0-1-0

Marilyn Steed 0-0-1

Judith Crawford 0-0-1

From the Hack: You think Monday Night Football is exciting – well believe it or not Monday Night Ladies Curling is back in Creemore! Team Millsap swept the ice and Team Baylis with a landslide win. Teams Steed and Crawford battled it out and ended in a tie. We have four teams thanks to a few ladies returning after a year or two off and a new curler Dawn Morby. We all enjoyed delicious snacks, conversation and giggles after the game. If you are interested in joining us, call Gail at 705-466-6399.



Dave Millsap 2-0-0

Adam Verstegen 2-0-0

Paul Crevier 1-0-1

Russ Flack 1-1-0

Neil Rowbotham 1-1-0

Jim Bell 0-1-1

Al Lambert 0-2-0

Gord Fuller 0-2-0

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