The shocking and disappointing presidential election result in USA has shown that its tentacles have also spread throughout Canada.
We joke about US citizens wanting to immigrate to Canada, but the underlying truths about man’s bigotry and hatred appeared dormant in Canada until Trump’s win.
This win has brought many from the shadows, now feeling that it is acceptable to preach the same message in Canadian politics if it could score a few votes from the uninformed.
Kellie Leitch is a candidate for Conservative leadership. Upon Trump’s win she sent an email to her supporters hailing “His (Trump’s) exciting message that needs to be delivered in Canada as well”.
I cannot find any exciting message in Trump’s fascist rhetoric over the last 18 months.
I remember the rise of Hitler in 1930s and how he gained power by appealing to those wanting to blame someone for Germany’s defeat. The Treaty of Versailles did not help, but the Jews took the brunt. We have heard “Jew S. A.” from supporters of Trump, also using Muslims and other non-Christians to lift a message of hatred. I would expect some racist Canadian citizens to support Trump’s message, but not someone that we may want to lead a Canadian political party – frightening! I fought in the Second World War to defeat this inhuman attitude that caused so many deaths. Is the need to win a political race worth introducing a “lest we forget “ hatred message that could lead to future civil insurrection?
Ray Jackson,