Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Creemore area residents who do not feel they are well represented by MP Kellie Leitch are putting up #notmymp lawn signs.

The grassroots movement is fueled by Leitch’s post-US election praise of president-elect Donald Trump and her previously pitched Canadian values screening of immigrants.

“After the election, I was so despondent. I thought, I want to do something,” said Creemore resident Cecily Ross.

She took to social media, reaching out to people who were equally disheartened by the election result and the ensuing response of Simcoe-Grey MP and Conservative Party leadership candidate Kellie Leitch.

The day after the election Leitch sent an e-mail to supporters saying his was an exciting message, one that needs delivering in Canada.

On Nov. 10 Ross posted to Facebook, “All day I have been trying to figure out what I/we can do in the face of this disastrous US election result. Here is what I propose: a “Stop Kellie Leitch” movement. #stopkellieleitch. I live in her riding, a riding that a few years ago stopped one of the largest limestone quarries ever proposed in this country. If we can do that, surely we can stop this woman and her poisonous ideas from gaining any traction. If 11/9 has taught us anything it’s the folly of thinking it can’t happen here.”

Ross didn’t get much pick up on the hashtag, although another Facebook group of the same name is gaining momentum. At the same time, when an e-mail group started planning to print lawn signs with the #notmymp message, Ross put in her order.

The #notmymp message echoes the #notmypresident campaign south of the border.

“It says that she doesn’t represent me,” said Ross adding it’s a way of repudiating what she sees as Leitch’s cynical and opportunistic messaging.

“She’s tapping into identity politics in an attempt to further her own ambitions and I hope the constituents of Simcoe-Grey will see that. She was parachuted in by Harper and not long after, he was soundly rejected,” said Ross. “We want to stand up and say that we don’t like it.”

Especially after Leitch started talking about Trump values and throwing out the elites, said Ross. “Those are trigger words that have come to mean many things to many people.”

“This is a small community and these things can be very divisive,” she said.

Ross is expecting the campaign won’t end with the lawn signs. She said there is a desire to put together a non-partisan group that would reach across different groups and start a discussion about Canadian values, what are they and do they need protecting? What is the threat and why now?” Is it a solution to a non-existent problem?

“The country is made up of differing values and opinions and we have accommodated that for 150 years,” said Ross.

The Echo contacted Leitch for comment on the sign campaign. She replied, “The great thing about a country built on the values of freedom and tolerance is that people can express their political views freely. That’s why I’m running for leader — to defend those values.”

Lawn signs will be available for $10 at Avening Hall this Sunday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

10 Responses

  1. Kellie Leitch is a mean-spirited, nasty opportunist who takes us all for fools. How does someone who has a Phd, an MBA and was a federal cabinate minister get away with carping about “out-of-touch elites”? She should look in the mirror.

  2. I continue to shake my head in wonder why Simcoe-Grey voters endorsed Kellie Leitch in this last election. Most of her stands since first elected have been contrary to all common sense, like her refusal to denounce the continued selling of asbestos in her early days, her initial support of the snitch line in an effort to boost the flagging Conservative chances in the last election, and her current values campaign and Trump admiration. Yet despite this and as outlined in this article people are slow to denounce the negativity of this MP. Americans who cared were slow to denounce Trump and look at where it got them. Let it be a lesson for us to start early in denouncing even a token of similar behaviour in Canada. Let’s get proactive and #stopkellieleitch, because Leitch #notmyMP

  3. As usual….the wisdom, logic, and strategy of Conservative ethics and standards are much ahead of trashy filthy emotional rant campaigns such as this. 🙂 Terrific verification of the delusional belief that it’s your right to shame others for expressing an opinion. Terrific example of Liberal shaming, and a pathetic example of Canadians. It is why you are seeing the tip of the right wing….to destroy the extremist left wing that needs defeathering. 😀 Have a great weekend!

    1. I believe the phrase you are looking for is not “shaming”, it’s “freedom of speech”, something that conservatives like only when applied to their opinions.

  4. In last weeks issue of the Aliston Hearald. There is a picture of Kellie Leitch holding up a book. It reminds me of a picture I saw along time ago
    of a man holding up a book titled Mein Kampf. I think Kellie leitch believes in the same things

  5. Thank you for doing this. I too feel powerless and disgusted by Kellie Leitch’s underhanded racism. She is not my MP either, even though I live in Barrie

  6. Conservative standards are indeed way ahead if this is a race to the bottom!!

    I’m in Wasaga—she is definitely not my MP!

    It’s interesting that many conservatives are distancing themselves from her extremist views.

    The was an article a couple of years ago about her behavior in the Santa Claus parade—insisting on her RIGHT to throw candy despite being told by the organizers that it was not permitted. She seemed to think the rules did not apply to her—-the very definition of an elitist attitude.

  7. Mmm, wonder how trudeau got elected. Leitch studied hard to become a medical doctor and is a medical doctor. Trudeau flunked out of engineering, held a bunch of part time jobs, then got elected by being a vote whore for the college kids where he campaigned. If you don’t support Canadian values, did you attend Remembrance Day ceremonies? All may be fine in Simcoe Grey or Barrie, but Simcoe and Barrie are not the belle weather for what is really happening around the world. Try reading news other than mainstream media who report what they want you to know, and they make a huge profit on subscription fees. You might want to think about how someone does not know what country they were born in….that is just not Canadian. Kellie is my MP.

  8. Eric, I am new to this Riding, but worked to get Justin Trudeau elected from my Thornhill Riding. For your information, I am a mother and a grandmother and I voted for Trudeau because I support the values that he supports. Because I have grandkids, I voted for their future by supporting Trudeau. I would do so today. Kellie Leitch is entitiled to all of her opinions and I respect that she had the brains and the determination to become a doctor. I want my leaders to have Heart, as well as brains.

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