Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

There is a very special story behind Creemore’s Christmas Tree.

Each year, the kick-off to the holiday season in the village is the Tree Lighting, hosted by the Tree Society of Creemore and CARA on the first Friday in December. The tree lighting is on the eve of parade day and many other festive events.

The tree lighting is a wonderful community event. People come together to sing carols and every year, the child with the silliest homemade hat wins the honour of pressing the button to light the trees.

Some of us may not remember that until five years ago, a tree was put up at Station on the Green for the occasion. In 2011, Stuart and Vicki Lazier donated a tree from their Mulmur property. With the help of volunteers and community partners, the large white fir tree was transplanted to the Station on the Green. The move was also made possible by an anonymous donation from a local family.

That family still wishes to remain anonymous but their story brings a deeper meaning to the spirit of the tree. The donation was made in memoriam to the matriarch of a family, that in December of 1935 prepared to emigrate from Germany to Canada. The family was limited as to the number of personal items they could bring with them on the ship. Not knowing what to expect in Canada or where they would be staying, the woman, Mutti (Mum), was afraid that there would not be a Christmas tree for her family. So, in her small trunk of personal items, she placed a short broomstick with small holes drilled into it from top to bottom. She thought that she could find some greens to put into the drilled holes to look sort of like a Christmas tree.

The Christmas Season was always a special time with Mutti, her tree was decorated with beautiful ornaments and candles.

Mutti passed away five years ago. She never wanted any memorial so her family donated to the Tree Society to plant a Christmas Tree at the Station on the Green and every year it could be lit and they would remember.

This story brings new meaning and a deeper appreciation of the Creemore Christmas Tree. When we stand around the lit tree Friday with neighbours, friends and family, we may want to take a moment to think about what the tree symbolizes for one family. It is an inspiring story of courage and hope, to cross an ocean with a broomstick knowing that it may help make for a better Christmas.

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