Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

It was nice to see Norma Johnston, Effie Taylor and Eileen Nash back with us on Dec. 1.

After a discussion as to whether we donate to the Creemore Santa Claus Parade, it was moved by June Hartley that we donate $200 to this cause and seconded by Mary Bouchard. Carried.

There were 36 members out for cards and 50/50 draws were won by Leona Hartling, Lillian Hiltz, Marion Kelly, Ted Underhill, Bob McNicol, and Marcia Cameron.

Five Moon Shots were played by Isabelle Gubbels, Lillian Hiltz, Irma Flack, Norma Johnston with the travel prize to Brenda Long.

Winners at cards were Jim Rigney, 335; and donated his winnings back to the club, John Van Voorst, 271; Bob McNicol, 258; Sheila Fenton, 255; with Ted Underhill low at 66. No one was in the lucky chair.

An elderly woman lay dying in a hospice bed when a worker walked in. This young gentleman then began to sing How Great Thou Art, a familiar and beautiful hymn. What he did not know was that the lady’s daughter arrived just as he started to sing and he did have a wonderful voice. The daughter videoed the whole thing and when her mother passed she was very grateful to him.

Remember: Life is not about being popular, highly educated or perfect. It is about being humble, and kind.

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