The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority passed its $4.77 million budget Dec. 16 with a 2.26 per cent increase to the overall municipal levy.
Clearview Township’s levy is $117,630.69, an increase of $1,576.25 over last year, and Mulmur’s is $39,633.42, an increase of $909.23 over last year.
In August, the board of directors approved the NVCA’s Asset Management Plan for implementation.
The capital levy of $129,926.50 is shared by the municipal partners and will be put into reserves to pay for the repair maintenance and replacement of the assets as identified in the 2016 Asset Management Plan.
Capital levy contribution for Clearview is $6,958.08 and $2,344.39 for Mulmur.
In September, the NVCA board unanimously approved a final reduction from 27 members to 18 members after a nine-month pilot project.
The elimination of additional board members and Advisory Committees translates into a cost savings of $23,500 in per diems and mileage and an overall savings of $50,000, taking into consideration that staff resources were not sufficient to service a 27-member board, plus Advisory Committees, additional administrative support would have needed to be considered, according to NVCA CAO Gayle Wood.
The municipal partner shares are based on an apportionment percentage supplied to us by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.