Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

We had our Christmas dinner Jan. 19 because the December day for this event was cancelled due to the weather. June Hartley asked the blessing and we enjoyed a hearty meal.

We are sad to hear that Roger Zeggil has had a fall and is in Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto, we wish him well.

Glad to hear that Marg Hennessy is doing well, getting around with walker and wheelchair and her son tells me her spirits are good.

Welcome to Toosje Vasvari and Martin Verstraten who have not been with us for a while.

Thirty-seven were out for cards and 50/50 draws were won by Evelyn Warden, Lucy Young, Barb Cudmore x2, Leona Hartling and Karl Seifert.

Seven Moon Shots were played by Marjorie Thomson, June Hartley, Alma Seifert, Edith Atkinson, John Van Voorst, Lucy Young and the travel prize went to Roy Veinot.

Winners at cards were June Hartley, 303; Edith Atkinson, 285; Marjorie Thomson, 265; Lucy Young, 260; and low went to Gerry Long, 103. No one was in the lucky chair.

A lady was continually leaving the keys in the car when at the mall, despite her husband constantly nagging her for doing this. One day she went shopping and when she came to get in the car she could not find it. So she called the police and then her husband and gingerly said honey I am afraid I have left the keys in the car and it has been stolen to which he answered that he had driven her to the mall. Oh well can you come get me and he said sure just as soon as I convince these police officers that I did not steal my own car.

Remember: Positive thoughts create positive things.

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