Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

There seemed to be no objections to a member volunteer helping with the Rama bus, Irma Flack will speak with Rama as to whether we are again allowed to have a bus in the spring.

A teacher at Centre Dufferin High School in Shelburne is teaching students how to quilt as part of a Canada 150 project and has requested that should you have any scraps of material they could use please take them to The Echo office.

Forty members were out for cards and 50/50 draws were won by Evelyn Warden, Pat Winger, Eileen Nash, Karl Seifert, Isabelle Gubbels and Barb Cudmore.

Four Moon Shots were played by Peter Gubbels, Ruth Lougheed, John Van Voorst, with the travel prize to Morris Tymchuk. Winners at cards were Peter Gubbels 327, Ruth Lougheed 282, Sheila Fenton 275, Barb Cudmore 261 and low went to Marcia Cameron 100. Norma Johnston was in the lucky chair.

The Richmond Hill council has voted not to start its meetings with the national anthem for fear it could be unconstitutional for its religious content. How have we come to this? Have we lost the right to patriotism, nationalism or pride in our country?  What did our soldiers “stand on guard” for if not to protect our freedoms, our pride in our country and our wish to express this pride? Our anthem should be sung in schools, council meetings, and all gatherings, I know of a card gathering such as ours that sings it before playing cards. Have we become a “no name brand” and represent nothing. My patriotic heart aches.

Remember: A skunk was eating our dog’s food and our dog learned two of the greatest qualities to have were patience and wisdom.

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