Creemore needs housing for seniors.
There is no doubt that however many units, if and when they are constructed, will be a hot commodity.
This week, council heard plans for a seniors apartment building near the Creemore library. The project is only in the proposal phase but we expect the proposed 24 units would be spoken for once the shovel hits the ground.
Clearview, like many places, has an aging population. Of half the adults in the village, a large portion are probably entertaining the idea of downsizing or moving to a place that requires less maintenance. The other half are starting to think about their aging parents and how to accommodate their changing needs.
It would be very reassuring to know there are housing options nearby.
In communities such as this people come and go but we happen to know people have left this village in search of more appropriate housing. It is the reality of communities with a lack of diverse housing stock.
Change doesn’t come easily around here but with the real estate market as it is, there doesn’t seem like a better time to build. We can’t understand why there hasn’t been any movement on the many approved housing units on Clearview’s books.
People are desperate to buy and there is so little on the market.
Imagine if those looking to relocate from a single detached house to an apartment were poised to sell now or in the near future?
Not to say anyone should leave their house before they are good and ready, but if that is the desire, the domino effect would benefit the entire community. Single detached dwellings would become available to young couples, who may then have children to fill up the schools, which have low enrollment, and there would be more tax money going to the municipality to offer more services for everyone, not to mention those appealing development charges which pay for amenities associated with growth. It’s the stuff of dreams for municipalities. Growth is where it’s at.
What business owner wouldn’t like a few more customers to shop and dine downtown?
Even a few units would make a big difference in a small village like Creemore, and it would not threaten its character.
Adding seniors’ housing can only be good for the village.
Wendy Schellenberg has been working on an initiative to bring seniors apartments to Creemore for some time and we hope, with Peter Miller Enterprises, she is able to pull it off.
There are other condos and seniors’ apartments on the books for Creemore and they wouldn’t come amiss either.