Sunday, February 16th, 2025



Dave Millsap 1-0-0

Bill McDougall 1-0-0

Ed Meulendyk 0-0-1

Jim Boyd 0-0-1

Paul Crevier 0-1-0

Adam Verstegen 0-1-0

From The Hack: The final draw has begun with teams realigned and ready to compete. The first evening of competition see’s a couple of new names at the front of the lineup. Let’s see how they fare through the course of this final round.

On Tuesday evening, Feb. 14, the second draw was completed with the team of Skip Paul Crevier, Vice Graham McDonald, Second Rob McLeod and Lead Richard Millsap winning the TD Bank Trophy. The evening was highlighted with the trophy presentation and pizza and wings for all curlers. Try an evening of curling, sign up to spare.


Lambert 2- 0-0

Martens 1-1-1

Loranger 1-2-0

McDougall 0-0-2

Bell 0-1-1

From The Hack: The last session of the 2016/17 curling season is well underway. Team Lambert has jumped out in the lead with wins over Teams Martens and Loranger. Team McDougall has impressed with their ability to come from behind to tie the two matches they’ve played so far. Good curling everyone!


Paul Vorstermans 1-0-0

Ed Meulendyk 1-0-0

Joan McLeod 1-0-0

Jim Madill 1-0-0

Lorne Rowbotham 0-1-0

Diane Kelly 0-1-0

Jim Bell 0-1-0

Kim Morby 0-1-0

Johanne Neelin 0-0-1

Jazmin Verstegen 0-0-1

From the Hack: With the final draw of the season underway, the race is on for the Creemore Village Pharmacy Trophy. Many members who usually play vice (3rd) are trying out the skip position. Good luck and… good curling!


Sandy McKay 1-0-0

Jazmin Verstegen 0-0-1

Alex Brewer 0-0-1

Melissa Ferguson 0-1-0

From the Hack: Non skips are in the house! This session our skips switch to vice and we have ladies learning how to take care of the curling house. Everyone is trying to win the Husker House Trophy, sponsored by Lorna May. Team McKay had a big win over Team Ferguson but the last rock went to Team Ferguson. Both Teams Verstegen and Brewer were back and forth and ended up in a tie. Lots of fun on and off the ice.

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