Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Being a member of the Creemore Cat Ladies I am often asked how many cats are living in colonies.

Good question, although we try to keep track of all the comings and goings of the cat clans, it can be as challenging as counting the jellybeans in a quart jar.

We look for telling physical indicators such as, one with the flat tail, one with the odd eye, one with half a tail, you get my gist.

One thing we do know is that we keep trying to trap, so that we can get the cats spayed or neutered (spay is for the females, males get neutered).

There is a low cost spay and neuter clinic in Barrie which handles both dogs and cats, but, unfortunately they are so busy the wait time can be a little overwhelming.

Mostly because people in general don’t think of getting their animals “fixed” until they go into heat.

A female cat in heat can be extremely annoying. It is at this stage that most cats get dumped.

Male cats also tend to get dumped when they become sexually active, usually when they know there is a female in heat within a mile or so.

Males tend to wander, get into vicious fights and develop a very irritating habit of spraying urine around their territory.

So, Creemore Cats has teamed up with Georgian Triangle Humane Society to offer low cost spay and neutering at local small animal vets.

Bellbrae in Collingwood and Stayner Vet Services in, yes, Stayner are the two clinics involved. This service is geared more towards lower income families who want to do the right thing by having their cat spayed or neutered.

For more information you can visit the Creemore Cats Facebook page or contact the Georgian Triangle Humane Service at 705-445-5204.

I strongly encourage you to look into getting your cat spayed or neutered, or the answer to the question of how many cats are living in the colonies might be, “How many fish live in the sea?”

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