Friday, February 7th, 2025

Clearview Tea Company is setting up shop, just off the main street of Creemore.

In addition to being available in almost two dozen retail locations, including the shop at Queen’s Park, Clearview Tea will be sold out of a dedicated store offering hot tea-to-go, tea samples and related items and goodies.

Proprietress Rebecca Brown knows tea. She is a Tea Association of Canada certified tea sommelier. Her testing included a practical tea steeping test and a blind taste test, during which she had to identify different types of tea and their country of origin. Brown started the business in 2012 and has been a regular vendor at the Creemore Farmers’ Market since. She started with 12 types of tea and now offers more than 30, including the Creemore Market Blend, which remains the most popular blend.

“After being at the market for five years, I was ready to make the next step and the space seemed great, just off the main street, it’s a place to discover,” she said.

A stay-at-home mom, Brown started the business after doing a little soul-searching about what she wanted to in the next chapter in her life after her daughter graduated from high school.

Brown has fond memories of going to her grandmother’s house for tea and it is how she starts every day.

“As a product, it’s very good for you and it’s consumed all over the world,” said Brown.

She said she loves the customs and mysticism associated with tea and that tea drinking can be a solitary, rejuvenating experience or it can be a very social, community building activity.

All tea (that isn’t herbal) starts with the leaf of the Camellia sinensis plant and how it is processed determines its flavor and properties, said Brown, resulting in white, green, oolong, black and pu-erh teas. Brown can tell you all about the amount of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants contained in the different types and their associated health benefits. The teas are produced all over the world and the flavor is determined by where it is grown. Brown has created some of her own unique blends, adding flavor essence, spices and herbs and has named three of them for the rivers that run through this area; Mad River Black Currant, Noisy River Rooibos and Pretty River Fruit Blend. She will be carrying a newly discovered purple tea from Kenya, which Brown has yet to name but she is toying with something relating to purple. Brown said she often sources organic and fair trade tea whenever possible.

“The community of Creemore has been so welcoming. I am grateful for their support,” said Brown.

The store, located at 172 Mill St., Unit C, fronting on Caroline St. West, will open May 11. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday to Sunday and otherwise by chance or appointment. Visit

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